Sign-up Instructions
If you ARE already a CourtReserve Member:
Sign-up From Court Reserve App:
Log into CourtReserve App
Home Screen
Select the “More” menu button on bottom right
Select My Organizations
Add Organization
Enter "Home Court Pickleball Club" into the search
Select Home Court Pickleball Club
You will land on this page:

Select "Request Access" button at top right
You made it! -> Just fill out the form and submit!
If you are NOT a CourtReserve Member:

Select the membership you want (per sure to note which one you picked)
You will land on this screen:

If you are NOT a CourtReserve Member select “Create an Account” in the top right
If you ARE a CourtReserve Member select “Log-in” in the top right
You made it! -> Just fill out the form and submit!